
University of Transportation Design in the World

 운송기기 디자인으로 유명한 나라별 대학교
 Die berühmten Universitäten, die das Transportation Design und Industrial Design in der ganzen Welt sind.

Transportation Design (운송기기 디자인)
-Deutschland (독일)-
Pforzheim HS, Braunschweig HBK, Stuttgart ABK, München HS

-U.S.A (미국)-
Art Center College of Art,
Academy of Art University, College for Creative Studies(CCS), Cleveland Institute of Art(CIA), Pratt Institute,

-UK (영국)-
Swansea Metropolitan University, Royal College of Art, Northumbria University- School of Design, Coventry University- Automotivr Design, Huddersfield University

-Italy (이탈리아)-Scuola Politecnica di Design, Politecnico di Milano, POLI.Design- Transportation &Automobile Design, ISSAM, IAAD- Instituto di Arte Applicata e Design, Domus Academy- Master in Car Design and Mobility

-France (프랑스)-
Strate College, ISD France, Creapole, Espera Sbarro

-Sweden (스웨덴)-
Umea Institute of Design, AIDE- Automotive Industrial Design Engineering

-Netherlands (네덜란드)-TU Delft-Industrial Design Engineering

-India (인도)-National Institute of Design (NID), MAEERs MIT- Institute of Design, DSK-ISD India, DYP-DC

-Korea (한국)-
Hong-Ik University, Kookmin University

-Japan (일본)-
TCA(Tokyo Communication Arts)-Car Design Course

-Canada (캐나다)-
Montreal University- Industrial Design, Carleton University- School of Insdustrial Design

-Australia (호주)- Monash University- Faculty of Art & Design

-Brazil (브라질)-
Icon Design

-ETC (기타)-
University of Cincinnati, Lawewnce Technological University, IED- Instituto Europeo di Design

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