
Design & Art Books

디자인 관련 책

-디자인 경영* Design Management
 Change by Design (EN, KR)/ Tim Brown
 북유럽디자인 경영 /이병문
 Unitas Brand 디자인 경영 / 유니타스브랜드
 The Laws of Simplicity / John Maeda

-디자인 이론* Design Theorie
 Design Basis (DE) / Gerhard Heufler
 Design Innovation 1.0 (EN, KR) / Bill Dresselhaus
 A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construcktion / Christopher Allexander Sara Ishikawa Murray Silverstein
 The Design of Everyday Things / Donald Norman

-자동차 디자인* Automobile Design
 Car Design Studies / Othmar Wickenheiser und Swantje Kuhfuss-Wickenheiser
 Car Design Book (KR) / 조경실
 A Century of Automotive Style: 100 Years of American Car Design / Michael Lamm Dave Holls
 Sentinel: Steel Couture, Syd Mead, Futurist / SYD Mead
 A Tale of Car Design in Three part 1, 2, 3 / Chris Bangle

-디자인 역사* Design Geschichte
 A CENTURY OF DESIGN: Design Pioneers of the 20th Century (EN, KR) / Penny Sparke
 American Design Ethic: A History of Industrial Design / Arthur J.Pulos

-인더스트리 디자인* Industrial Design

-프로덕트 디자인* Produck Design

-순수미술, 회화* Kunst
 The Nude: A Study in Ideal Form/ Kenneth Clark
 As Long As It's Pink: The Sexual Politics of Taste / Penny Sparke

-미술 역사*Kunst Geschichte
 Wie erkenne ich? Die Kunst des Bauhaus / Hajo Düchting

-미디어* Media
 Understanding Media (EN, KR) / Herbert Marshall McLuhan
 An Essay on Typography / Eric Grill

-애니메이션* Animation
 Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art / Scott Mccloud

-건축* Architektur
 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School (EN, KR) / Matthew Frederick
 Architectural Ornament: Banishment and Return / Brent C.Brolin

-경영* Management
 The Death of Distance / Frances Cairncross
 Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles / Peter Drucker
 The Opposable Mind: How Successful Lead, Winning Through Integrative Thinking / Roger Martin
 Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World / Kevin Kelly

-패션* Mode

-디자인 일반 *Design
 Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change /Victor Papanek

 Poetics of Musik in the Form of six Lessons / Igor Stravinsky
 The Blue Sweater: Bringing the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected Word / Jacqueline Novogratz
 The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing an what can Be Done About It / Paul Collier
 1987 / George Orwell
 Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny / Robert Wright
 On Food and Cooking / Harold McGree
 On Intelligence / Jeff Hawkins
 The Pleasure of Finding Things Out / Richard Feynman

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